We are in awe and gratitude at how God has exceeded our dreams and expectations for Abide Worship this past year.

Abide Worship is supported by Axis Christian Church who has provided the space we worship in, as well as some of their tech, musical equipment, and even volunteers!

However, with our continuous growth, we are in need of our own equipment and ways to sustain the ministry. If you feel led to give, Axis Christian Church has provided a way for you to give to Abide Worship through this link below! Your support will help us continue to steward this ministry and provide a space for more people to know and abide in Jesus.

Make a donation

When you go to give, fill out the information as guided. However, there are two specifications that will help the donations be specific to our ministry.

1) List the donation as a “Special Designation” on the first page.

2) Leave “Abide” or “Abide Worship” as an included note at the end.